Channel: The Daily Clog » Memorial Stadium
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First the Trees, Now the Fees


memorial-stadiumIf you thought the drama over at Memorial Stadium ended when the last oak fell, then get this: Stadium seats are now going for as much as $225,000 a piece. And we don’t mean you actually get to take the seat home with you either.

Ninety thousand dollars will get you four memberships to the “University Club,” which includes 50-year rights to your seat, on-campus parking on game days, free food and drinks, and cup holders. Your family can even inherit the seat if you don’t happen to make it for the next 50 years.

Don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of fundraiser for the construction of that four-story eyesore that was the source of so much controversy, it’s for the renovation of the crumbling 86-year-old stadium sitting on the fault line behind it. The goal is to increase the school’s athletic endowment tenfold, to a half billion dollars over a 30-year period.

Apparently 40 percent of the 3,000 available seats have already been claimed, raising over $100 million. But with season tickets at just $305, we want to know what kind of people are forking over almost a quarter million dollars for the University Club. We’re reevaluating calling the tree sitters crazy.

Image Source: All In full movie Sophie’s Choice dvd

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